Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Expanding the parameters and Expounding on my life.

I have made three posts in seven months; that's just lame.  Here’s the reason why. Every time I would start to writing, I would freeze up.  My mind would stop and all I could think about was if my writing was thought provoking and insightful enough.  So, in order to remedy this pervasive writers block that has been stifling my creativity, I am going to expand the parameters of my blog.  No longer worry about if my thoughts are insightful or not; from now on, I will write what is on my heart.  This means I will be writing about things that are going on in my life.  At the same time, I pledge not to turning this blog in to a sad sap journal about my life because that would be lame.

To begin this new era in the short lived history of this blog, I will start by sharing with various thoughts and experiences from my summer.