Sunday, June 8, 2014

What I will Miss: A Goodbye tale

Originally this post was written to be posted the night a I graduated. Due to internet connectivity problems tiredness, and the realization that I still had some loose ends to tie up its release has been delayed until today.  For those that I said “look for a blog post” almost a month ago sorry for the delay, this is what I was talking about. To everyone else here it is.

Today I graduate.  Tomorrow I leave to head back to the great Pacific Northwest.  This is both a happy and a sad experience.  In my 18 total months living in Fullerton California at Hope International University I have had a myriad of wonderful and challenging experiences.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here but am overjoyed to return home to my beloved Pierce County.  Despite my joy at returning home and starting my life post-bachelors degree I leave a plethora of people and things behind that I will miss dearly.

(The length and order of each of the following sections do not not do justice to the the friends I will leave behind. They are but a simple tribute to the some of the amazing people I know and love from my time at HIU.  THis list is in no way complete and the length of each section does not reflect any type of ranking system of importance of closeness of our relationship. Some things are just easier to put into words then others.)

My wonderful, joyous, beautiful, fantastic, hilarious, love of my life Sabrina Miller (not related. . . for now:).  While my home is in Washington I will not truly be home until you are here too and brings my heart north with you.  No one else in life has grown, challenged, encouraged, loved, and endured me more than you.

That pondering, inquisitive, Lord of the Rings enthusiast, math major, and solid, dedicated roommate Lorenzo.  From the moment I saw your face light up when he saw my Return of the King poster I knew that we would be good friends. Through the years we have stayed up incredibly late, purloined two couches, pondered the meaning of life, deity of Christ, theology of Moltmann (and Bonhoeffer), and explaining our love for Batman, X-Men and Lord of the Rings.  He shared his town and family with me when I had nowhere to go.  We had our run-ins and disagreements (the toilet),  but our friendship was always secure.  Why does California have to be so far away? Lorenzo Rodriguez, I am honored to call you my friend, please move to Washington ASAP!