Sunday, June 8, 2014

What I will Miss: A Goodbye tale

Originally this post was written to be posted the night a I graduated. Due to internet connectivity problems tiredness, and the realization that I still had some loose ends to tie up its release has been delayed until today.  For those that I said “look for a blog post” almost a month ago sorry for the delay, this is what I was talking about. To everyone else here it is.

Today I graduate.  Tomorrow I leave to head back to the great Pacific Northwest.  This is both a happy and a sad experience.  In my 18 total months living in Fullerton California at Hope International University I have had a myriad of wonderful and challenging experiences.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here but am overjoyed to return home to my beloved Pierce County.  Despite my joy at returning home and starting my life post-bachelors degree I leave a plethora of people and things behind that I will miss dearly.

(The length and order of each of the following sections do not not do justice to the the friends I will leave behind. They are but a simple tribute to the some of the amazing people I know and love from my time at HIU.  THis list is in no way complete and the length of each section does not reflect any type of ranking system of importance of closeness of our relationship. Some things are just easier to put into words then others.)

My wonderful, joyous, beautiful, fantastic, hilarious, love of my life Sabrina Miller (not related. . . for now:).  While my home is in Washington I will not truly be home until you are here too and brings my heart north with you.  No one else in life has grown, challenged, encouraged, loved, and endured me more than you.

That pondering, inquisitive, Lord of the Rings enthusiast, math major, and solid, dedicated roommate Lorenzo.  From the moment I saw your face light up when he saw my Return of the King poster I knew that we would be good friends. Through the years we have stayed up incredibly late, purloined two couches, pondered the meaning of life, deity of Christ, theology of Moltmann (and Bonhoeffer), and explaining our love for Batman, X-Men and Lord of the Rings.  He shared his town and family with me when I had nowhere to go.  We had our run-ins and disagreements (the toilet),  but our friendship was always secure.  Why does California have to be so far away? Lorenzo Rodriguez, I am honored to call you my friend, please move to Washington ASAP!

The most enthusiastic laughter, deep question poser, inspirational quote writer (whatever you do own it!), chiseled abs, dread head, my guy Mo(auricio) Grosso.  Your unique diction and quizzical vocabulary were always a delight.  My first friend from the East Coast, you brought the Miami to our room and always made things exciting.  You were there when we absconded with the couch, and everyday since.  Your people skills and ability to befriend everyone with ease will take you far.  Your personality and its contribution to our room and my life will never be forgotten.

A funny, ball cap donning, B-Ball’n, essay writing machine, who brought more than his 50’’ tv and PS3 to our room and relationship Rob(ert) Brazil.  I knew you before my C.A. days and was glad when I heard we would be heading south together.  Year one I took care of your bonsai tree and got schooled in 2k.  Year two you joined our room and made it a family.  Introducing me to rap, a fellow cinephile, who got our room working out, sleeping more than I believed humanly possible, you did all of this and more.  I eagerly await your permanent return to W.A. after next year and hope that we continue to be friends for many years.

Kyle I still believe you only have one shirt.  I am fully aware this is a falsehood but I would swear, every time I saw you, you were wearing that Hobbit shirt with Smaug and the Lonely Mountain on it.  But there is so much more to you than that.  We had a special bond and ability to annoy Sabrina, we also made a great pair of Velociraptors.  You were my go-to guy for gamer info and and a complete absurdity (As the Ruler of The  Independent Republic (Island) of Stupendousness I thank you for allowing us to stay independent).  Keep being as awesome as you already are!

Who’s that guy that went to D.C. that I keep hearing about? Oh, Connor Mclane of course.  We braved American Crossroads and many other classes. We checked each others work and kept one another sane.  You were the guy to ask about any sport’s team, I sometimes forget if you majored in Poly Sci or fantasy football?.  I shall miss you much best of luck in your political aspirations, if you move to Washington I can vote for you myself.

To a newer friend who felt like an old friend from the beginning Josh S-P. It was you and you lovely wife who convinced me to change my entire friend scale and make special exceptions because your both so extraordinary.  You shared your apartment, your Jack, your HBO GO, and most importantly your life an time with me.  If I am ever back in SoCal and need to buy a mattress or talk ethics I know who to go to, so long friend.

To the tall (6’5’’), multi talented (in everything), hairdo experimenter, and passionate Windy City companion Tim Shenkin.  You made year one at HIU so much better and helped my spiritual growth more than anyone else.  If I ever needed someone to talk to, you were there.  I always left our talks feeling encouraged and ready to change our community for the better.  You made me feel appreciated as few other could. Good luck this summer with AR and come visit if you get a chance.

My oldest and best friend of all who unexpectedly followed my to SoCal by a much tougher rout David Schooley.  You being stationed at camp Pendleton made my second year as HIU a totally different experience from the first.  We thought the SoCal Kids a thing or two about the Great Pac. NW. Your the brother I never had the guy I can always count on.  You were are fifth roommate crashing with when ever you could. We've had our ups and downs but never left each other behind.  I know that you're coming back one day but until then Washington loses has lost a bit of its shine because your gone. See you soon.

The only other person who could claim to know me before HIU was you Erika Anderson.  I was charged by your mother to protect you, but we both know you can take care of yourself.  Although our personalities are about as different as can be in many respects, we have learned to get along rather well.  In the many years we have known of and gotten to know each other you have constantly challenged my way of thinking and made me a more considerate and sympathetic person.  With one more semester before you storm back into Washington ready to preach the  (yes, women can preach, especially Erika, she rocks) and change the hearts and minds of the young and the world I can't for you to get back.

Your character and work ethic is even better than that of Captain American who you wore so often on your shirt.  To “C” (Cecillia Nava) your smile is contagious, your spirit is uplifting, and your sunglass look better on me (remember Mexico?).  Never have I spent so little time with such a great friend, but that never hindered our relationship.  We rocked out to Switchfoot at your first concert and greeted each other with our fists raised high whenever we saw each other.  

There is only one person who can claim to be my first friend from HIU and that is Alyssa Heffman.  A fellow aspiring educator we talked of the future classes and students we might teach.  Our breakfast meetings first year when we talked about life and relationships. We helped each other through by reflection and listening.  You got us all to go see Elvis (sort of) and then that epic night on the beach.  Your articles were the some of the best in the Tribune and they were always insightful and thought provoking.  Keep Sabrina company while I am away and come visit W.A. whenever you want. There is a place for you here.

I have never been to an aquarium with a more enjoyable person, nor has anyone in the history of existence been so excited to see Sea Otters as you were.  Mollie S-P as with your fine husband our friendship and time together was far too short. Your enthusiasm is inspiring, your cheeriness contagious. Have fun in Italy and find a masters program in Washington.

And finally I say goodbye to that big yellow ball in the sky; the sun.  I saw more of you in the 18 months I was in Fullerton than my 18 + years in W.A.  You shone through my dorm window and woke me up on many a morn.  I hope to see you soon on one of your guest appearances.

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