Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Brief Reflection

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Let not the current moment pass you by.

I am sitting in a comfortable blue wingtip style chair that was found on the side of the road. My feet are resting on a table that was constructed out of old scraps and a spool by my self and my wife. Sipping a crystal glass of Gin and Lacroix, while listening to a record, and reading a comic book from my local library. What else can one ask for in life? The ages of human effort and ingenuity that have gone into my current moment of enjoyment are innumerable. Hours ago, I was struggling through another monumentally difficult day trying to teach middle schoolers school. Simultaneously, I am frequently beset by near-crippling existential angst, and doubt in everything I believe and once held dear. Tears are just perceptible in the corners of my eyes as I express an outflowing of gratitude for my present circumstances and whisper a quiet thanks to the universe for the present moment I am blessed to inhabit.

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