Thursday, April 26, 2012

Current State: Busy

So in February I started this blog and I thought "blogging, oh that will be fun. I am a full time student with lots of time on my hands so why not find something productive to fill the hours with"?  Shortly after that I got a job and have been working 25-30 hours a week and taking 17 credits.  So for the past seven weeks I have been running around like crazy trying to figure out how to balance work and school, all the while thinking I wish I could get some more writing for the blog done.  Now I think I have found that balance so I will resume writing.  Unfortunately because of this new crazy schedule I will not be able to write as much as I hoped until school is finished.  That's all, I just wanted to inform the three people who read this blog why I've only had one real post in two plus months.  I am working on three post right now and at least one of them should be up by the end of the month.

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