Tuesday, November 27, 2012

John Simpson

"History is a well told story"
                              -John Simpson

History, do you like it, hate it? John Simpson doesn't care. The only thing that matters in his class is that you show up, use "that three pounds of gray matter" and learn something.  If you are willing to give him those things, then he promises to make history relevant to your life.  

That line "History is a well told story" is how Mr. Simpson starts off the first day of the new quarter in every history class he teaches.  John Simpson will forever be a part of the story that makes up the history of my life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Self Reflection

I have recently discovered that I have radically changed in the last two to three years.  The change has been gradual but its full effects are staggering.  It took a new environment for me  to see the changes for myself.  In the past I valued my individualism more than I do now.  I saw myself as the hero in a Louis L’amour Western needing no one other than myself.  Little did I realize how much I depended on the people around me.  I have become much more friendly of late.  I value people more.  In the past people annoyed me and even though I sometimes wanted to connect with them I did not understand how.  Last year was when the major change started happening.  I became a part of a group of misfits.  Almost everyone in our group had been looking to be part of a group but wasn't.  When we all ended up finding each other it turned into an almost magical experience.  With grand adventures and deep thoughts.  This group taught me the value of friendships on a much grander scale then I had experienced before.

Monday, November 12, 2012

HIU Life

My thoughts about Hope International University. One, you get what you pay for and by that I mean it in the most positive way possible. While it is expensive as heck to go here, the people are amazing, and they care about you. A prime example is my Critical Thinking professor who has three degrees, one of which is from Johns Hopkins university. He lets us call him by his first name because in his words “we are all in this learning experience together”, he also said “come talk to me I want to get to know you and be the one to write your letter of recommendation for grad school” what a cool guy.

There are a ton of girls here at Hope. I did not realize until I came here that their are about 3 girls to every guy on campus. Luckily I have many female friends already who have more then adequately prepared me for how to be friends with girls. I would like to thank all of my female friends who put up with me. I am not sure why you do but you have taught me many lessons in how to be a good friend. Thank you for being gracious with me, I realize that I can be rather obtuse and inconsiderate sometimes.