Monday, November 12, 2012

HIU Life

My thoughts about Hope International University. One, you get what you pay for and by that I mean it in the most positive way possible. While it is expensive as heck to go here, the people are amazing, and they care about you. A prime example is my Critical Thinking professor who has three degrees, one of which is from Johns Hopkins university. He lets us call him by his first name because in his words “we are all in this learning experience together”, he also said “come talk to me I want to get to know you and be the one to write your letter of recommendation for grad school” what a cool guy.

There are a ton of girls here at Hope. I did not realize until I came here that their are about 3 girls to every guy on campus. Luckily I have many female friends already who have more then adequately prepared me for how to be friends with girls. I would like to thank all of my female friends who put up with me. I am not sure why you do but you have taught me many lessons in how to be a good friend. Thank you for being gracious with me, I realize that I can be rather obtuse and inconsiderate sometimes.

Those were my first impressions. I wrote that shortly after I came to Hope, about 9 weeks ago. Not to insightful or interesting that’s for sure. However, since then a myriad of things have happened. Here is the bullet point version.
• I prayed like I never had before and cried from someone else’s pain.
• Became aware of how limited my knowledge is.
• Made some great friends.
• Discovered my lack of self discipline.
• Made some mistakes, righted some wrongs.
• Set goals and failed.

College life is not much different from what I expected. But even when you know what to expect life happens and that is where the fun is.

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