Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One year: A Reflection

I started writing this blog while riding the train home in May of this year.  8 months later I have picked it back up and am finishing it. At the time I thought I was going to write a month by month recap of my life.  I now realize that that would be boring, rather presumptuous, and self centered to think that people care enough about my life to read what had happened to me every month.  So i include the only month that I wrote November of last year.  From there who knows what will happen.

The month I finally got settled into life at HIU, and it felt like home.  I wrote my initial thoughts about it my post HIU Life.  I wrote more blog posts that month than any previous, or since. I met a girl who was interesting.  She asked me to Sadie Hawkins.  I told her no, not because of her, but because I dislike events with lots of people and am a cheapskate.  I told her we could go do something else some other time if she wanted to.  Surprisingly she took up my offer and we made plans to go see a movie, but I got the release date mixed up, so we ended up going for a walk instead.  I stayed home during Thanksgiving break to save a few bucks, but I paid for it in loneliness.  I missed my family; I had always spent Thanksgiving with them.  That girl invited me to go to her aunt’s house for Thanksgiving, I had nothing better to do, so I said yes.

Thanksgiving was an adventure.  The food was good, and the company interesting.  I went Black Friday shopping Thursday night and found some good deals.  All the while I was nervous, uncertain, and confused.  Trying to understand this girl.  Ended up talking all night, she was interesting all right.  (awful, am I right?)

So what?
I stand by what I wrote in May about November (Despite the ridiculous, over the top, stream of consciousness meets telegraphic style of prose). I think it captures my thoughts and feelings of the time accurately. Much has happened since November 2013 in my life here are the highs and lows.

So that girl I thought was interesting in November, we will celebrate our one year anniversary tomorrow.  She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met.  When she kissed me I cried because that was when I knew that she loved me and I loved her.  She understands me like no one else and knows just how to make me feel better when I am down.  She has taught me that I am a selfish jerk sometimes and I need to think about others and consider their feelings.  I could never repay her for all that she has given me and she is the greatest Joy in my life.

Spring Semester I had a complete mental breakdown one night while trying to write a 15 page paper but my girl was there and she helped me out.  I lost out on getting a job to people who I thought were totally undeserving and had to accept defeat and the unfairness of life.

This summer I made bank, working 2 jobs, 55 hours a week.  Then I fell asleep driving, thought I had brain cancer, got a PET scan, and received $500 ticket all in the same day (long story).  Then I had to pay for school so there went my money.  But being short on cash has taught me to be more content and thankful with what I have as well as how to manage my money better.  I also turned 21 and enjoyed a few beers.  The best part of this summer like every other summer was the family and friend trip to Sun Lakes W.A.

In August I started my final year at HIU and enrolled in 6 upper division classes.  This semester has challenged me intellectually more than any other and I have still managed to succeed (5 A’s 1 B so far).

In October, I went to the best concert of my life (Little Green Cars) in an unassuming little place in L.A.

My best friend joined the Marines, graduated from boot camp, and then was stationed an hour away from my college.  We got to reconnect after a year of separation from being able to regularly see each other.  He bought me an amazing Churchwarden pipe and now we sit around like two old men puffing away, talking about life, the good old day and the days, Lord willing, yet to come.

I did many other things but these were the best that I can remember.  Over all it has been an amazingly and fruitful year that I can look back on now and more fully appreciate.  Through its Ups and downs, I rate it my favorite year yet of the 21 I have lived thus far.

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